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The photograph shows how the Gazebo is surrounded by the Lake, and how people can fish and do other recreational things at Frank Holten Park.
This lighthouse is located in Frank Holten Park, which was a relaxing venue for dining with friends and family, or watching the big game.
The photograph shows the golfers' clubhouse located at Frank Holten Park in East Saint Louis. On the right side of the photo we can see the lighthouse next to the clubhouse. This is an important landmark in Frank Holten Park, which is a great place…
Frank Holten Park is a great place to play golf. It also has a clubhouse with a bar, restaurant, golf carts, and a golf shop. Many people go every day to go golfing.
This picture shows the Clubhouse, Whispering Willow Lake, and the lighthouse, all in Frank Holten State Recreation Area. The club has a restaurant and golf equipment. Frank Holten is a good place to golf and do many other activities .
The plaque shows when the bridge was built in 2003.
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